Special-Called Church Conference

At the January 2nd, 2022 Special-Called Church Conference, the following motions were approved.

1. Stewardship and BPP bring a motion to approve the transfer of $136,000 from the General fund to the Building fund for the purpose of replacing the HVAC system in the sanctuary and fellowship hall.

2.  Stewardship, BPP, and First Impression bring a motion to approve the transfer of $27,000 from the general fund to the Building fund for the purpose of making renovations and updates to the foyer, sanctuary, and Commons consistent with ongoing updates as approved by BPP and the Facility Coordinator (including, but not limited to: cosmetic changes such as  paint, design elements, functional changes).

3.  Stewardship along with the Worship Interim bring a motion to approve the transfer of $10,000 from the general fund to the Building fund for the purpose of audio video and sound equipment upgrades.


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